Coaches and Volunteers,
These are the steps you need to take to become a certified coach or volunteer with Inside Sports:
1. Register as a coachLog into your account. On the far left hand side, select VOLUNTEER. On the right side click the button FIND VOLUNTEER ROLES. Select Youth League Play and the upcoming session date Example "Youth League Play, Winter 2019/20". Below that, click VIEW ROLES. Scroll until you find the age level you wish to volunteer for/with. Click SIGN UP, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click CONTINUE. Click on the icon with your name on it, then click CONTINUE. Fill out the Additional Position Information which will ask you for your social security number and driver's license as well as your address and other information.
2. Take Child Abuse Prevention Training online
If you have already taken this training in previous years, you do not need to repeat it. Also, if you have taken it from another organization, you can provide proof to Inside Sports to waive taking the training again.
The Child Abuse Part I and Child Abuse Part II are each 20 minutes long. At the end of the training it will ask you how you want your name on your certificate of completion., which agency/company it is for (type in Inside Sports) and email to send it to. For expediency - just email it to
[email protected]Go to Click on the client protection tab. Take part I first, then take Part II. Be aware Part II seems geared more towards a day care or after school program, but the info is applicable to you as a coach.
These trainings must be taken before games begin in order for a coach to be allowed to work with the team.
3. Take Concussion Protocol Training online
If you have already taken this training in previous years, you do not need to repeat it. Also, if you have taken it from another organization, you can provide proof to Inside Sports to waive taking the training again.
This training is a little longer, about 40 minutes. It is a concussion training provided by the CDC
Visit On the left side click on the ONLINE CONCUSSION TRAINING link. Then on the far right is a box LAUNCH THE COURSE. Print out or download the certificate of completion. Then attach it or scan and email it to
[email protected]Remember, you will not be allowed to work with your team until we have a current coach/volunteer application and proof of completion of these courses on file
Coaches who have satisfied the course requirements in the past are exempt from taking them again. If you have taken concussion protocol and child abuse 1 and 2 with another organization, please provide proof (certificates of completion) to Inside Sports and we will waive the requirement.
ALL coaches, must complete an application every year, regardless if they have coached for Inside Sports before or not. It's a yearly renewal.
If you have any question, contact Inside Sports by emailing
[email protected] or calling or texting 707-499-7120
Thanks again for volunteering!